《英雄聯盟》T1 中路選手 Faker 昨(5)日凌晨睽違近三個月終於開台,原本是一件令粉絲開心的事,然而 Faker 卻再次受到 DDOS 波及導致他直播不到兩小時就選擇關台。
在這 1 小時 45 分鐘中,Faker 用他廣為人知的「Hide on bush」帳號先打了兩場競技場,隨後開排單雙積分(平均牌位鑽一)。遊戲前期都很順利,但在第三條小龍重生前 Faker 的 AD 隊友「吉茵珂絲」卻反映開始爆 Ping 甚至斷線,導致該場最終落敗,Faker 也在主堡爆炸後火速關台。
事情發生後,同一日中午在 X(舊稱推特)上出現一名自稱 T1 粉絲的網友(@an_pilot),指出爆 PING 的吉茵珂絲也是 T1 粉,而該玩家在粉絲群組裡表示他當下被攻擊到 Ping 值高達 900。
Even if T1 put in their own infra, it's a team game. If Faker doesn't get ddos-ed, it's one of his teammates.
— An 엔 (@an_pilot) June 5, 2024
Tell me the ddos-er aren't specifically targetting T1. Tell me this isn't a major integrity issue. Tell me you think this won't affect the players, who need practice
該網友認為,就算不是 T1 選手被直接 DDOS,他的隊友也會像此次事件般遭受攻擊,最終導致 T1 選手根本無法獲得正常的遊戲體驗。他也抱怨 LCK、Riot Games 毫無作為可言,別說是特別待遇了,就連讓這些選手好好玩遊戲都沒辦法,現狀令他感到失望。
You know what's infuriating? The Jinx player is a T1 fan. They said in their post that if they could be in the sam lobby as T1 players, they wanted to play well. Instead of bring happy to be able to play in the same team as Faker, they get this. They even APOLOGISED for it.
— An 엔 (@an_pilot) June 5, 2024
今年韓國《英雄聯盟》已遭 DDOS 攻擊將近半年,不只是 T1 選手,就連實況主甚至是普通玩家都遭受波及,其中又以 T1 隊員深受其害,而至今問題仍難以解決。