搖滾番再加一!東映動畫昨(24)日發表原創動畫《Girls Band Cry》,率先釋出前導視覺圖,宣布 5 月 29 日企劃將正式啟動,預計會揭露更多消息。
— アニメ『ガールズバンドクライ』公式 (@girlsbandcry) April 24, 2023
5月29日(月)始動! pic.twitter.com/ZD0itUNwlG
雖然目前僅有一張少女背著 G&L ASAT Classic 電吉他的主視覺,以及官方推特秀有 5 名女性團員下身的封面圖,詳細劇情、設定等等都還尚不明朗,但社群已經出現認為《Girls Band Cry》是在模仿、複製去年霸權《孤獨搖滾!》的聲音。
People already calling this a Bocchi clone?
— 🍁 WiserCupid 🍁 (@CupidofPrudence) April 24, 2023
Weren’t people calling Bocchi a K-on clone when it first aired 😭 the NERVE bruh https://t.co/uOLQhVMVmf
Ppl calling this a bocchi clone or k-on clone but Im down for another band pic.twitter.com/W8J8KKqIsY
— angrywingz (@angrywingz) April 24, 2023
We don’t know much about it and you lot are already calling it a bocchi clone? Unreal https://t.co/6WQ9SxiHY9
— Dom💫 (@InferiorDom) April 24, 2023
fuckers who claim this is ALREADY a bocchi clone are the weakest link like goddamn https://t.co/sBHpTvraSP
— Jay loves Loid Forger!🎗 (@fanxieturt) April 24, 2023
Why can't we just be "wohooo another music band anime" instead of "Big L, another Bocchi clone".
— SOTL (@SOTL73) April 24, 2023
Be a Chad, you know you can be. pic.twitter.com/4gTKjZJLoq
Everyone used to call Bocchi a K-On clone and now people are calling this a Bocchi clone. Please accept the fact that you can have multiple stories within one genre, one genre isn't owned by only one story https://t.co/0b1An6pZv1
— RubyZiq 🌙 Eid Mubarak (@RealRubyZiq) April 24, 2023
當然,觀眾檢視不同動漫作品的狀況沒少過,有網友就想到 P.A.WORKS 製作的原創動畫《Buddy Daddies 殺手奶爸》起初也被拿來跟《SPY×FAMILY 間諜家家酒》比較,但最後各有千秋,認為觀眾應該更歡迎擁有類似主題節目的誕生。
Let's not write it off as a Bocchi/K-On clone just yet. I know that's what happened with Buddy Daddies Vs. Spy X Family at first, but that show turned out pretty good in the end.
— Jose A. Arroyo | @MechaBladeZ (@SmartHomeJose) April 24, 2023
I'm saying people shouldn't go into this with this mindset. We should welcome what this and many other shows like it will bring to the table. I'm just as excited about this as with many other original projects down the pipeline. 👍
— Jose A. Arroyo | @MechaBladeZ (@SmartHomeJose) April 24, 2023
誠如前述,現階段還沒有《Girls Band Cry》的詳細情報,且距離正式播放勢必還要一段時間。儘管《孤獨搖滾!》無疑是現象級的作品,但《Girls Band Cry》是優是劣,能不能走出自己的風格,現在下結論言之過早,因此不意外社群會因「《孤獨搖滾!》複製」說引發小型口水戰。
至於對於《Girls Band Cry》有興趣的讀者,可追蹤官方推特或官方網站,以鎖定後續資訊。
— アニメ『ガールズバンドクライ』公式 (@girlsbandcry) April 24, 2023