不滿演出?《惡靈古堡4 重製版》艾達王配音員高莉莉近日爆被黑粉惡意攻擊騷擾,導致其不勝其擾,刪除 Instagram 上幾乎所有文章。
據悉,高莉莉自《惡靈古堡4 重製版》上市以來的這幾週,都被黑粉以仇恨評論轟炸,而此一現象在幾天前逐漸失控。根據外媒 GamesRadar 報導,有人直接批高莉莉毀了重製版,害自己把錢丟水溝。另有人直言是多年來我聽到的最糟糕的配音,且無法相信 CAPCOM 為什麼不請過去的演員,並補充艾達篇章 Separate Ways 出來之後,要把語音靜音。
對於黑粉的攻擊,高莉莉並未公開發表評論,起初悄悄刪除提及她在重製版中聲演角色的回覆。可惜刪了一則,還有千千萬萬則。最終高莉莉移除/隱藏至今發布過的所有貼文,僅留下一篇 2020 年發布有關社會特權的貼文。
Because of recent harassment over her role as Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake! Lily Gao has now almost deleted all of her Instagram posts! pic.twitter.com/hl89tFxI2d
— 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 (@RuleTimeSpace) April 1, 2023
it really saddens me that people are hating on Lily Gao (voice of Ada in RE4R) i think she did absolutely amazing and delivered such a mysterious, gentle, badass but alluring performance just as Ada is known for. She added a whole new level to the character and i LOVE it👏 pic.twitter.com/swZbjW9w3r
— 𝐑𝐘𝐀𝐍 𖤐 playing re4r (@the80slasher) March 27, 2023
Lily Gao's thoughts on playing Ada Wong before RE: WTRC was out! Here she talks about how BADASS she thought the character was! How the fan websites while she was doing research we're excellent! How fans care for the series and that she was EXCITED to play her! pic.twitter.com/pmbHLY01ot
— 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 (@RuleTimeSpace) April 2, 2023