《對馬戰鬼》(Ghost of Tsushima)近日宣布全球銷售超過 800 萬套。對此,另一款 PlayStation 作品《往日不再》(Days Gone)遊戲總監 Jeff Ross 在推特發文,指出自己的作品銷量高於《對馬戰鬼》,但 Sony 卻不甚滿意。
We're thrilled and amazed that #GhostOfTsushima has officially sold more than 8 million copies!
— Ghost of Tsushima 🎮 Director's Cut Out Now! (@SuckerPunchProd) January 5, 2022
Thank you so much to everyone who has played since launch! We are so incredibly appreciative and grateful for the support! pic.twitter.com/AQfyqviBlK
Ross 表示當他 2020 年 12 月離開 Sony,《往日不再》已經售出 800 萬套。後續登上 Steam 平台,也有超過 100 萬套的銷售成績。然而,Sony 對本地工作室的管理方式一直都讓人以為這款遊戲令人大失所望。
At the time I left Sony, Days Gone had been out for a year and a half (and a month), and sold over 8 million copies. It's since gone on to sell more, and then a million+ on Steam. Local studio management always made us feel like it was a big disappointment. #daysgone #PlayStation https://t.co/KMZr2pGe9r
— Jeff Ross (@JakeRocket) January 5, 2022
針對《往日不再》的銷售數字,專門分析電玩產業的 YouTuber Benji-Sales 就曾在 2020 年 1 月表示該遊戲不僅是 2019 年內最暢銷的 PS4 獨佔作,更擠進當年度的 10 大暢銷電玩銷售榜。
Days Gone was the best selling PS4 exclusive on PSN in 2019 and also made Top 10 best selling digital games of the year
— Benji-Sales (@BenjiSales) January 9, 2020
Sony won't do PR on the sales success of this game, but I'll keep pointing it out for them 😉
Happy for Bend and excited to see what they are working on next pic.twitter.com/wZ9ar99NxQ
即使如此,遊戲帶來的收益並不足以啟動團隊向 Sony 提出的續作計畫。Ross 去年 4 月才表達對於《往日不再》續作計畫取消感到失望,或多或少導致他選擇離開 Sony。
當然,銷量不一定是好評保證。像是《對馬戰鬼》在電玩影視評論網站 Metacritic 的媒體跟玩家評價,分別拿到 83 分和 9.1 分,雙雙高於《往日不再》。有網友就推測續作石沉大海,或許跟評價有關。
對此,Ross 進一步提到對評價分數的看法,指出《殺戮地帶》(Killzone)初代在 Metacritic 只拿 70 分左右,但續作分數提高到 91 分,藉此強調人學會走路前,總得先學會爬,一步一步來才能讓雙腳跑起來。
Exactly. I was planning on building on top of the original for a kick-ass sequel. Even the first Killzone got a 70 on metacritic, but the sequel roared back with a 91. You gotta crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run.
— Jeff Ross (@JakeRocket) January 6, 2022
不過無論如何,續作不再可說已成定局。至於 Sony 為何會把《往日不再》視為一款令人失望的作品,只能留由高層親自說分明。
參考原文:Game Informer