Rony Roller 馬戲團在昨(6)日向教宗與嘉賓進行例行表演,奏曲內容便是在《Undertale》跟 Sans 對決會聽到的配樂。
This year just started and we already have the insanity of Megalovania being performed in front of the Pope. pic.twitter.com/QBxGtl9v1c
— Ultima | #вʟм (@UltimaShadowX) January 6, 2022
Rony Roller 馬戲團表演的過程中,Megalovania 的旋律突然想起,爵士風格音樂搭配表演,立刻成為全場的焦點,也掀起網友熱議。會變成討論話題,不外乎教宗方濟各先前就有跟《Undertale》扯上關係。
2016 年知名 YouTuber MatPat 等多位知名網路紅人都受邀前往梵蒂岡晉見教宗。身為美國代表的 MatPat 當時送給教宗不是別的東西,正是《Undertale》遊戲本身。
根據 MatPat 說法,教宗該年宣示是「寬恕與同情」之年,為了呼應教宗,因此送上這份禮物。時隔 6 年,遊戲裡的經典配樂竟然響徹梵蒂岡的接見大廳。
MatPat 本人得知這個消息,也在推特上開玩笑表示教宗花了 5 年終於打到 Sans 了。有網友便猜測可能馬戲團知道這段往事,才特別選這首曲子當作表演的配樂。
Took him five years, but he finally got to the Sans fight... https://t.co/OX9Kp9Kz9A
— MatPat (@MatPatGT) January 6, 2022
There are 3 possibilities:
— Ultima | #вʟм (@UltimaShadowX) January 6, 2022
1. He requested this circus troupe to play this
2. The circus troupe knew about the joke and chose to play it themselves
3. This was one of the biggest coincidences of all time
參考原文:PC Gamer