
與蘋果合作發行Apple Card的高盛銀行 也推出免費使用字體

與蘋果合作發行Apple Card的高盛銀行,近期對外發行一款名為Goldman Sans的免費字型,標榜使用者能完全免費使用,但條件是不能用這款字型撰寫、製作任何批評高盛銀行的內容。



C.c. The User may not use the Licensed Font Software to disparage or suggest any affiliation with or endorsement by Goldman Sachs.

D.2 This License shall terminate and become null and void for any use that does not comply with any of the conditions in this License. Further, Goldman Sachs may terminate this License, without notice to the User, for any reason or no reason at all and at any time, completely at Goldman Sachs’s sole discretion



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