除了推出雲端遊戲服務Luna,亞馬遜稍早更傳出將推出名為Vapour (同樣有蒸汽之意)的遊戲服務,將讓使用者能透過線上付費方式購買遊戲。
從PC Gamer網站取得消息,指稱亞馬遜此款名為Vapour的遊戲服務,將具備線上商城服務,讓使用者可以購買遊戲,並且執行遊戲內容,甚至將與Twitch 服務整合,讓使用者能更方便進行線上遊戲直播。
Grabbed Vapor, the codename for Amazon's Steam competitor. Seems to intigrate most of Twitch's features as well as a bunch of game specific support like fortnite and pubg.
— Sinoc (@Sinoc229) October 6, 2021
Also includes some Unity code for a game called Vapeworld, which I assume is some sort of VR chat thing. pic.twitter.com/4KeeEOspyQ