目前實況平台 Twitch 的 VTuber 服裝尺度與真人實況主一樣不能太露,所以服裝過於暴露的 VTuber 會被 Twitch 官方 Ban 掉。然而,免費線上虛擬實境遊戲《VRChat》卻不在此限,近日也在 Twitch 上掀起一波爭議。
近期有數名《VRChat》Twitch 實況主因「穿著不合適服裝」而被官方 Ban 掉,其中一名實況主 Linkz(@Linkz_VR)在 X(舊稱推特)上公開詢問 Twitch 官方原因,而 Twitch 表示《VRChat》玩家服裝尺度也必須比照真人、VTuber 辦理,不能太超過。
Hey Linkz, we are in the process of sending communications to Vtubers and specifically VR Chat streamers, but for the purpose of responding to this question directly: Yes. This old blog from 2020 is no longer correct.
— Twitch Support (@TwitchSupport) June 6, 2024
We recognise that this may not have been completely clear…
然而兩天後 Twitch 卻政策急轉彎,表示他們收到許多《VRChat》玩家感到困惑的回饋,因此決定撤回先前的所有言論以及錯誤判決。
📢 We made a change to our enforcement guidelines recently regarding the application of our attire policy to VRChat streams.
— Twitch Support (@TwitchSupport) June 8, 2024
We received a lot of feedback from the VRChat community about the confusion this has caused, especially since it was not accompanied by a change to our… https://t.co/qlubRCXvzF
雖然給《VRChat》玩家開了豁免權,但是 VTuber 社群認為這是 Twitch 嚴重雙標。網友質疑 Twitch 的 VTuber 連露一點南半球都會出事,與此同時《VRChat》玩家能玩裸體 3D 模組並用各種角度拍攝身體部位。網友呼籲 Twitch 要嘛連 VTuber 都一起豁免,不然就兩者一併禁止。
— camila 🃏 🍥 (@cumilq) June 10, 2024
3D models on VRCHAT that are practically NAKED and get waved around on camera for hours so people can jerk off
but vtubers cant even show a little bit of underboob.
it is so incredibly unfair. either allow both parties or dont let either at all.
Linkz 也感到相當無奈,表示自己只是替《VRChat》社群公開發聲,結果自己卻似乎莫名其妙成為 Twitch VTuber 社群的頭號公敵,甚至指出近期有大量《VRChat》實況台被惡意檢舉。
他也指出,他反對任何針對虛擬 2D/3D 人物的服裝規定,但是這些東西需要靠自己去爭取。至今《VRChat》能讓 Twitch 官方撤回規定也是他們努力溝通獲得的成果。
Man...I feel like I've become every VTuber's #1 enemy.
— Linkz (@Linkz_VR) June 9, 2024
The comments and reposts on this range from calm logical discourse to absolute batshit crazy.
Some of you need to stop complaining about VRChat and look at the real cause for these restrictions placed on VTuber attire… https://t.co/h8mRhtzmrt