《英雄聯盟》作為營運超過 10 年的長青遊戲,遊戲透過定期更新、調整平衡,推出新英雄與模式等,不斷地推陳出新期望帶給玩家新鮮的遊戲體驗。
Riot 總監 Pupulasers 近期在個人 X(舊稱推特)分享了他作為總監一年多以來的心情以及《英雄聯盟》未來方向。
1. 我們應該追逐傳奇般的夢想,而不是追求完美已知的事物。
2. 樂趣勝於公平,變革勝於慣性,旅程勝於目標。
3. 我們的玩家各不相同,而且每年都在不斷成長。
4. 無論技術多高超,或者情緒有多暴躁,每個人都喜歡驚喜和愉悅。
5. 現有計劃若缺乏長遠願景,就等於白談。沒有現在的成功,願景也無法實現。
6. 開發團隊比玩家想像得更在乎遊戲,而玩家關心的程度也超乎我們的理解。每次參加一場活動,這種感覺都會被強化。
7. 開發者真的很害怕讓玩家失望。這是好事也是壞事,而社群媒體又更放大了這點。
8. 我們需要圍繞著玩家的感受來打造遊戲方向的優先順序。情感是比邏輯還要優先的。
9. 玩家希望被關注以及被傾聽。開發者希望被重視和受到尊重。
10. 2024 年將為玩家帶來一些驚喜。2025 年《英雄聯盟》將永遠改變。
I have now served as League of Legends’ Game Director for 15 months. Some reflections on the year and our path forward:
— Pu Liu (@RiotPupulasers) December 16, 2023
1. We should chase legendary dreams rather than perfect what we know
2. Fun over fair, change over inertia, journey before destination
(Cont, 1/x)
2. Fun over fair - so you are basically saying that you are in favor of toxic engagement, making it fun only for those who get to play the unfair stuff and the rest has to be miserable
— InkedNerd (@NerdInked) December 16, 2023
I understand your statement of "fun>fair", its those funny clips that promote league. But at the end of the day what I want as a player is a super balanced game where I can keep improving my skills, so actually fair=fun for league, its a hardcore competive game, keep it that way.
— Fontini (@TheFontini) December 16, 2023
另外也有玩家指出既然 Riot 如此重視社群反應,那為何玩家喊話很久的「遊戲內語音(全隊,非好友)」仍未實裝,希望官方能夠真正傾聽玩家的訴求來打造遊戲。最後也有不少人認為新的模式「競技場」豐富了遊戲玩法,紛紛敲碗希望能夠脫離限時模式加入永久模式。
@RiotPupulasers Pu, as riot is a company that values its community, please listen to the community's long-standing requests. For many years players have asked for in-game voice chat and this request has not been met.
— LOL Plays BR (@LOLPlaysBR1) December 16, 2023