《惡靈古堡》即將於 7 月 7 日上映的動畫電影《惡靈古堡:死亡島》(暫譯,RESIDENT EVIL: DEATH ISLAND)日前釋出新預告,男女角元老大集合。其中不只吉兒依舊是不老魔女,蕾貝卡、克蕾兒也都沒甚麼太大的衰老跡象,引發關於女性角色不會變老的疑問。
"It's still so weird and silly that they made it so Jill having been infected means she'll be young and hot forever. Bleh. Although, come to think of it, is it just me or does Rebecca look younger than she did in Ven... wait.... no.... NOOOOO!" pic.twitter.com/4asLDhgtEL
— October Keegan Art 🎃 (@Sisslethecat) April 10, 2023
So it started with Sherry having an anti aging thing.
— Logan 🇨🇦 (@CentreForEvil) April 10, 2023
Then it was Jill.
Now it’s Rebecca and ALSO Claire??? pic.twitter.com/1M3GMyg9Hf
根據外媒 GamesRadar 報導,《惡靈古堡:死亡島》發生在 2015 年,距離吉兒、蕾貝卡首次在《惡靈古堡》系列亮相,和克蕾兒加入《惡靈古堡2》已相隔 17 年。既然都過了那麼長一段時間,為什麼上述三人都沒有一些老態呢?似乎是這三人都曾感染過延緩衰老的病毒。
報導引述推特用戶 Sonny Bauer 的推文,吉兒感染過 T 病毒,蕾貝卡曾染上 A 病毒,而克蕾兒在遊戲的不同時間點感染 T-Phobos,於是被稱為「永遠年輕火辣病毒」三人組。
Oh no…
— Sonny Bauer (@SonnyBauer8462) April 11, 2023
-Jill was infected with the T-Virus
-Claire was infected with the T-Phobos Virus
-Rebecca was infected with the A-Virus
They’re not…they’re not really going to go there, are they…?
The “Young and Hot Forever Virus” carriers
…#ResidentEvil #ResidentEvilDeathIsland pic.twitter.com/ITaPMsjgpF