根據在日的美國推特用戶 Dogasu 分享,《オトメディア》2023 春季 4 月號中,雜誌方邀請到了湯山監督進行專訪。其中談到了去年播出的特別篇《遙遠的藍天》,該作原本的名稱是「小智的暑假」,概念大概在播出的一年前提出,且基本上承認特別篇跟系列第 20 部劇場版作品有關聯性。
About last year's "The Far Off Blue Sky" special
— Dogasu (@DogasusBackpack) February 21, 2023
- The working title was "Satoshi's Summer Vacation"
- They came up with the concept for the special about a year ago to show a day in the life of Satoshi
- He basically confirms it takes place in the same continuity as Movie 20 pic.twitter.com/YCHFvzeYxf
另外,針對小智最終章《寶可夢 旅途 目標是寶可夢大師》,湯山監督指出動畫的主題之一是讓小智釐清寶可夢大師對他的意義,同時預告所有人最想看的寶可夢會在劇情最高潮的時候亮相。
About last year's "The Far Off Blue Sky" special
— Dogasu (@DogasusBackpack) February 21, 2023
- The working title was "Satoshi's Summer Vacation"
- They came up with the concept for the special about a year ago to show a day in the life of Satoshi
- He basically confirms it takes place in the same continuity as Movie 20 pic.twitter.com/YCHFvzeYxf
其餘較枝微末節的事情,還有監督將小智描述為永遠的 10 歲,並多次提及年齡。另外,湯山認為大家會在未來的某處再次見到小智,至於會以何種形式回歸,監督沒講破,但可以確定的是,我們智爺有機會出山。
Other stuff
— Dogasu (@DogasusBackpack) February 21, 2023
- He describes Satoshi as "forever ten years old" and brings up his age more than a few times
- He says he thinks we'll see Satoshi again somewhere in the future
《オトメディア》2023 春季 4 月號現已發售,可透過日本 Amazon 入手,售價 1,420 日圓,有興趣的讀者可考慮入手。
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