《要塞英雄》開發商 Epic Games 近期向一位美國韓裔藝術家購買畫作版權,不過這家地表數一數二的遊戲公司提出 3,000 美元(新台幣 92,005 元)議價,讓作者相當不解且拒絕合作,反映出創作者正團結一致反對它們眼中的「掠奪性合約」(predatory contracts)。
藝術家 Deb JJ Lee 近期在推特分享與遊戲公司交涉的過程,11 月初收到一份來自 Epic Games 的插畫委託,報價 3,000 美元買斷發行權被她拒絕了,理由是為了「自由藝術家的福祉」,她認為在固定預算下接這個案子不符比例,畢竟《要塞英雄》是年賺 60 億美元的遊戲(2021年)。
「被如此賺錢的遊戲委託遠距工作(WFH)的任務,甚至無法賣這幅畫,這幾乎讓我無法維持生計。」她評估對方所需的插圖類型需要至少數周的工作時間,希望 Epic 法務能重新評估合約內容。
I think it’s hilarious that Fortnite, which earned $6b in revenue in 2021, asked me to do an entire illustration with all copyright for $3k
— Deb JJ Lee @ preorder IN LIMBO (@jdebbiel) December 2, 2022
根據 Kotaku 報導,Lee 表示對方說所有合約都預設了價格和法律條款,公司沒空和每一個人單獨談判合約;但她認為「授權使用」不等同於「買斷」,前者藝術家還能保有作品版權,但後者售出成本會更高,Lee 透露此前曾以數萬美元的價格將作品版權賣給大客戶。
「版權可能是藝術創作者販售最有價值的東西之一,」Lee 說道,「如果我放棄為《要塞英雄》畫圖的版權,這意味著 Epic 將可以合法從我的創作無限搾錢,只要想要就可以,無論是印刷周邊商品、Instagram 廣告或是 50 英尺的廣告立牌。」
有不少藝術家在回文和轉推中贊同她堅持自己的立場,還有人分享自己過去遇到荒謬案例,客戶提出的價格被這些藝術家拒絕接受,「最糟糕的是,知道我即使能拒絕他們,他們也會藉此誘騙另一位藝術家為垃圾工資工作。」當然也有部分反對者認為 Lee 對遊戲商的要求太多了。
即便如此,Lee 仍與缺錢的絕望創作者喊話「要得多並不會損及一家市值數十億美元的企業」,創作者有立場抵制價格不合理的委託,她透露有一個 RPG 桌遊透過 Kickstarter 募款提出更好的委託報價,「富人夠摳所以才有錢。」(The rich are continuing to be among the cheapest.)
If I could go back to earlier in my career and do one thing differently it would be to push back more against bad contracts, and any professional artists who don’t whole heartedly support and stand by Deb for doing this is can absolutely fuck off https://t.co/ktjaCcGT3m
— gianna meola (@giannameolaa) December 4, 2022
This rules. Thank you!!!!!!
— ✦ babs tarr ✦ (@babsdraws) December 3, 2022
A while ago I was asked to design a t-shirt for a small business. The client told me that each t-shirt would sell for $200 and that they would sell ~1,000 units. They offered me $75 for the design + full copyright lol https://t.co/IthXtKQnVB
— svv (@SVV_ART) December 4, 2022
That's why it's so important for people to share these numbers. The industry relies on everybody being in the dark.
— Eryn (@Leighbra) December 5, 2022
That's what gets me! These companies know and exploit the fact that there's a revolving door of artists who are willing to take a pay cut to illustrate *insert well known thing here*.
— Rovina Cai (@RovinaCaiArt) December 5, 2022