《模擬市民4》(The Sims 4)自 2014 年推出以來,定期更新長時間持續著。熙熙攘攘的遊戲社群也在這幾年內,打造出各種有趣的建築房屋和充滿活力且瘋狂的模擬人生,這一切多少歸功於「模擬工坊」讓玩家分享創意。當然,這之中勢必存在一些有著潛在爭議的創作。
對此,根據外媒 Eurogamer 報導,官方近日祭出作品過濾更新,移除工坊中的任何「不適當的內容」。官方於公告中表示,團隊知悉並瀏覽到一些完全不可接受的工坊精選創作內容。針對此一現象,團隊已重新審視同時更新粗話篩選過濾器,以防止類似創作再次出現。
至於所謂「不適當的內容」為何,官方並未明說,且沒有任何關於粗話篩選更新的詳細資訊。不過據 Eurogamer 指出,這或許跟最近一波網友反彈工坊裡存在「反猶太」、「納粹」的作品有關。惟外媒 Kotaku 推測瑟瑟內容也包含其中,因此不排除相關創作也一併整頓。
Thank you Deli. It is extremely upsetting and frustrating that it seems like they expect me to go through the gallery and flag all of the Hitlers. I’ve been tirelessly asking for Jewish representation in game and I found this on the gallery instead. pic.twitter.com/wTM7q7heu7
— HufflePom (@HufflePom) November 17, 2022
This is absolutely unacceptable. I spent several hours over the weekend reporting several 100 Hitlers that people have uploaded to YOUR platform. As far as I am concerned if you allow Hitler to be upload to your OFFICIAL platform then you agree with Hitler & support antisemitism.
— HufflePom (@HufflePom) November 16, 2022