《層層恐懼》《靈媒》(The Medium)波蘭開發商 Bloober Team 前遊戲設計師阿塗爾.拉茨科夫斯基(Artur Łączkowski)近日在個人推特宣布自己正開發一款恐怖遊戲,其隨附血淋淋的照片:一位的小孩睜大眼睛驚恐地盯著鏡頭,據悉該項目以虛幻引擎 5 開發,是不惜預算開發的 3A 大作。
阿塗爾於 2020 年 Gamescom 發表的恐怖遊戲《玫瑰之死》(Death of Rose)已經取消開發,不過他表示目前開發的新作比之前精彩數百萬倍。
Since I left Bloober, it took me a long time before I decided to return to game development. At this point I can't reveal too much but it's a big project, with big names and budget. We are using advance technology powered by Unreal Engine 5.
— Artur Łączkowski (@arturlaczkowski) November 11, 2022
I'll reveal more in the near future. pic.twitter.com/unAlz8AGRw
This first demonstration I decided to share, is straight from game engine rendered in real time. Our goal is to cross a boundary that no major developer has yet dared to cross.
— Artur Łączkowski (@arturlaczkowski) November 16, 2022
At this point I can only reveal that it is a third person survival horror. pic.twitter.com/Qo0uEfSYHu
Not really. You know, PT really influenced me me as a creator, yet this project is inspired only by our sick imaginations, no other game.
— Artur Łączkowski (@arturlaczkowski) November 16, 2022