VTuber 事務所 hololive EN 一期生神話組(Myth)的鯊鯊 Gawr Gura 昨日(18)日早上舉辦了首場個人 3D 演唱會,近一小時精彩演唱絕無冷場,開頭便揭露原創動畫「Shark'd」,簡述鯊鯊如何從亞特蘭提斯登陸岸上,穿上衣服並投身 holoEN 變做偶像的旅程。以下將統整動畫製作團隊 TonariAnimation(隣アニメション)成員如何捕捉鯊鯊可愛神韻,燃燒熱情程度不輸「瑪琳搖」《I'm Your Treasure Box》。
接續動畫影片,開場鯊鯊即演唱第一首個人單曲《REFLECT》爵士版,接著與 holoJP 前輩貓又小粥合唱《もぐもぐYUMMY》,萌翻所有觀眾;再跟親愛的小學生紫咲詩音貼貼,平板開唱《魔法少年賈修》福爾高雷「甩奶歌」,聊天室瞬間長出一片大草原。
到了「UMISEA」寶鐘瑪琳、湊阿庫婭站台,演唱《Tricolore Airline》,然後搬出 EN 議會組(Council)完美的 Ouro Kronii 人形立牌同唱《My Soul, Your Beats!》,互模仿招呼語後開始鬥嘴,比不過 Kronii 身高的鯊鯊,只好動手將完美的立牌扛下台,Kronii 掙扎著發出完美的 Gawk 聲。
GWAK pic.twitter.com/4uXlAqI0JQ
— YJ (@USTEL_YJ) September 18, 2022
鯊鯊演唱最後一首歌為 HoneyWorks 經典神曲《Fansa》(ファンサ),在海底舞台逾 9 萬的蝦蝦們歡呼下,同步公開 400 萬訂閱紀念商品壓克力板與人型抱枕。
Fansa always makes me tear up 💙🧡 #Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/pYrh6y7SBT
— 🐔EvansL🐔 (@EvansL117) September 18, 2022
演唱會完美落幕後,Gura 隨即在推特感謝粉絲,表示自己是這個星球上最幸福快樂的鯊魚,都要感謝每一位支持她的蝦子。
i am the happiest shark on this planet right now, and it is all thanks to each and every one of you.
— Gawr Gura 🔱 (@gawrgura) September 18, 2022
thank you 💙#Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/xHdgmYGyrt
除了精彩的演唱會,驚艷四座的原創動畫「Shark'd」在演唱會結束後獨立釋出,24 小時內播放次數更超過 3D Live 突破 120 萬,短短 3 分 39 秒藏了許多彩蛋,吸引粉絲們重複觀賞並放大尋找熟悉的符碼。
Gura 的房間有哪些關鍵?
影片開頭Gura 水藍色的房間,牆面貼著 2021 生日紀念的泳裝繪、神話組月曆以及 Kronii 完美的《Ride on Time》(騎在時間身上)宣傳海報,床頭擺著神話 2 周年 smol 模型,椅子則能明顯看見針對鯊尾設計的大洞,負責美術設計及作畫監督之一的 Calvin @calvinzhong_ 分享坐在椅上旋轉的小屁鯊。
I worked as the Background Designer (美術設定) and one of the Animation Directors (作画監督) for the original animation that played at the start of the first #Gura3DLive. I hope everybody enjoyed it! It was a lot of fun to be a part of this project! #gawrt #gawrgura pic.twitter.com/JqugHlcLVI
— Calvin (@calvinzhong_) September 18, 2022
Calvin 表示自己非常喜歡這個計畫,花很多時間研究 Gura 房間,特別是牆上的海報:被 Deadbeats 們淹沒的死神 Mori Calliope 演唱黑會海報,holoID 二期生「殭屍」Kureiji Ollie 重生變作偶像前,清楚的紅髮紅瞳少女 Olivia(17 歲 162 公分體重未知),KFP 炸雞店徵才宣傳,以及阿梅 Watson 私家偵探事務所拿著放大鏡的 Bubba,他沒提到大街上布告欄還有 Ninomae Ina'nis 地下信仰組織的古神之眼貼紙。
海底太無聊上岸為了尋找 Wi-Fi 被後浪推倒沙灘的鯊鯊,起初沒穿衣服且褪去攻擊性的紅色狀態,但她自在地閒晃導致船長「噴水」,還遇到可愛的櫻兒、貓化的小粥,一路都受神秘的白光眷顧遮住重要部位,不過在光芒消失蘿x控得逞前,大空警察挺身代替 FBI 懲罰觀眾鯊鯊。
LO for Shark'd #gawrt #Gura3DLive #HololiveEN #hololive pic.twitter.com/G8eAaNiPOv
— GreenBlueClouds (@GreenBlueClouds) September 18, 2022
首席動畫設計師繼角色設計 Yoshi Kirishima 分享各種表情的鯊鯊與衣著設定,期間她負責掌握分鏡架構的 Layout、關鍵的作圖與上色校正,特別在衣著與紅鯊藍鯊的瞳色下足了工夫:
I tried to keep the Shark'd design as faithful as possible to Amashiro's art. Incorporating every detail down to the hair strand and eye highlight and creating a 3D look was challenging. I took some ideas from IM@S finding they fit in naturally. (2/4)#gawrgura #gawrt #Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/MOiEBertqF
— Yoshi Kirishima (@YoshiKirishima) September 18, 2022
Also, for Gura's red design, I took some inspiration from Higurashi for the eyes.
— Yoshi Kirishima (@YoshiKirishima) September 18, 2022
Hau~ Omochikaeri~✨! (4/4)#gawrgura #gawrt #Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/1JttInxqND
製作團隊動畫師 ベル (Bellamy Brooks)分享上岸後的其中一個cut完工過程:
I teased this surprise a little earlier, but you don't need to wait any longer! I edited a behind-the-scenes music video of Gawr Gura's lore video! I hope you enjoy it!! 🥰🦐💙https://t.co/26T6n2nURS#gawrgura #tonarianimation #vtuber #Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/tK3SoYtc0r
— ベル (Bellamy Brooks) (@bythebelle) September 18, 2022
— Porkky (@Porkkyboy) September 18, 2022
Can finally announce that I was one of the animation directors on Gawr Gura Shark'd
Thank you @gawrgura & @TonariAnimation for the opportunity!
#gawrgura #vtubers #gwart pic.twitter.com/QX76HzFvlZ
Shark'd layout of Subaru I got to do with @CapnChreest! He roughed things out so I could focus on cleaning Subaru up and deciding her look for the animation. It was really fun teaming up on this cut together!#gawrgura #gawrt #Gura3DLive #oozorasubaru #大空スバル #hololiveJP pic.twitter.com/SRE1SOVn4v
— Yoshi Kirishima (@YoshiKirishima) September 18, 2022
因為身材太纖細未被大空警察逮住的 Gura,(自帶迷因)裸身上岸後試了各種衣服,終於找到自己最愛的鯊帽裝,不過在路上被串烤香味吸引,差點淪為哈洽馬的食材,有人真做成影片...有當場宰鯊料理畫面,請讀者斟酌觀看:
HERE COMES HOPE:連 IRyS 本人都受不了的迷因級場景
耗盡氣力趴在街邊椅子的鯊鯊,起身拾起來路不明的髮飾,代表希望的 IRyS 在她耳邊低語推一把,才看見 hololive 宣傳海報浮現當上偶像的希望,然而這一幕沒有任何台詞,廣泛流傳為創作素材,發酵幾個小時後,IRyS 表示「看見每個人都在模仿我在耳邊低語的場景讓我心煩意亂(哭笑不得emoji)」,有粉絲立即哏圖伺候:IRyS 對腳掌控 Goomba 說「我會寄一張我的腳的圖片給你。」
It’s a comedic gold mine pic.twitter.com/UtGzbXv4Fp
— BissBass-KFP 🐔 (@ImaginaryJib) September 19, 2022
作畫監督分享校稿 IRyS 出現的原畫:
As the animation director, I did drawing corrections on the section where #IRyS appears. Thanks to #hololive for allowing me to post the production materials! I hope I get a chance to work with them again in the future #IRySart pic.twitter.com/dcKPFH8Obf
— Calvin (@calvinzhong_) September 18, 2022
Tonari Animation 工作室首席動畫師 Beast 分享團隊校正這一幕剪輯的過程:
Correction process for Cut 35 of "Shark'd" 🦈
— Beast (@Beasto_ani) September 18, 2022
LO by: @marcg_art #gawrgura #gawrt #Gura3DLive #vtubers #tonarianimation #animation pic.twitter.com/8fYM9rCFa7
曾協助製作《SPY×FAMILY 間諜家家酒》第10集的動畫師 SimonBeed 繪製的賀圖:
1 year ago I never thought I'd have the chance to get to work on something as cool as this! I gotta thank @TonariAnimation for having me on the project for! Thank you too of course to Gura and Hololive for the wonderful opportunity!#gawrgura #vtubers #tonarianimation #animation pic.twitter.com/NLQ6RZXFAt
— SimonBeed (@SimonBeed) September 18, 2022
負責配樂的 Farhan 告訴大家塞了不少 Gura 的 BGM 旋律,同時他也為 3D Live 待機時製作配樂!
Wrote the music score for @gawrgura 's Lore intro video, premiered also in her 3D live!
— Farhan (@FaaatSaw) September 18, 2022
How many times did you catch the Gawr Gura BGM melody in the music? :)
#gawrgura3d pic.twitter.com/j9UdRg9E2h
I also had the honor to make the countdown music for @gawrgura 's 3D LIVE yesterday! #gawrgura3D pic.twitter.com/G6K7ir3LUW
— Farhan (@FaaatSaw) September 19, 2022
c46!! corrections <3#gawrgura #vtubers #tonarianimation #animation #Gura3DLive pic.twitter.com/qJpuk2nuuj
— ジュウベエ (@Jubeinine) September 18, 2022
Tonari Animation 動畫工作室分享如何為 Gura 打造《Shark'd》:
除了對應紅鯊的紅帽 T,某次直播 GTA 出現綠色帽T
感謝 TonariAnimation(隣アニメション)與其他幕後團隊成員為我們帶來精彩的動畫短劇!