i've finished the raiden shimeji and made it available for download! now you can throw him around your screen or have him mess up your workspace :] #mgs #mgr
— manu (@manuious) August 11, 2022
don't forget to look at the readme files! pic.twitter.com/h6prVd1sq5
遊戲角落先前介紹過,由 Steam 壓倒性好評益智遊戲《Baba Is You》作者推出的衍生互動作品《Baba Friend》桌面寵物,玩家可以透過鼠標抓著 4 足的巴巴小可愛把玩。
這回出現的《潛龍諜影崛起》Q 版雷電桌面寵物出自角色動畫設計師 manu 之手,其人物設計帥氣中帶有點稚氣,不僅會坐著休息、移動視窗、霸氣揮刀,甚至還會瘋狂增生。
其中一名下載飼養的網友就表示,自己一個沒注意跑去看 YouTube,結果一回來,螢幕上就有 50 隻迷你雷電。另一名網友也分享雷電調皮的事蹟,指出小雷電短時間就複製 8 次,還阻止自己跟朋友在 discord 聊天。
i stepped away from my laptop for a bit to watch youtube, and when i came back there were like 50 Raidens. Otacon doesn't like cloning himself fsr so there's only one of him watching over all the Raidens. pic.twitter.com/6p2KjoHSst
— Ari/Raiden🗡 (@VoidBishAnyxx) August 13, 2022
He cloned himself 8 times before I turned it off and refused to let me talk to my friends on discord 100/10.
— Klomonx (@Klomonx2) August 12, 2022
T_T i can't use c-shapp sadly but I owe you a good 30 bucks because this entertained me endlessly thanks pic.twitter.com/jBlIANwjvA
《潛龍諜影崛起》雷電桌面寵物現已於作者 manu 的推特上釋出,有興趣見證雷電複製人大軍歡樂場面的讀者可下載體驗。