CAPCOM 神秘倒數網站結束,正式揭露最新續作《快打旋風6》(Street Fighter 6),同步釋出前導宣傳影片,不過有人眼尖看出新作的全新 Logo 跟圖庫的圖片撞臉。
此代《快打旋風》的標誌比起前幾代鮮豔的設計,簡單的字母 S 和 F 包裹在六角形裡頭,外加純白的用色,顯得相對樸素,因此也成為遊戲發表的另類焦點。
然而,第 6 代的 Logo 設計不只很簡約,還好像在哪裡看過。外媒 Ars Technica 創意總監 Aurich 就指出,新的標誌跟 Adobe 圖庫售價 80 美元(約台幣 2,230 元)的素材十分相似。
The new Street Fighter 6 logo is $80 on Adobe's Stock site
— Aurich (@aurich) February 21, 2022
I don't even know what to say. I knew it was generic but I didn't realize it was this bad. They searched for "SF" on a stock logo site and rounded a couple corners and added the 6
I cannot
Inclining a few lines and making the outline thinner is childs play.
— Mi + Chele (@michel0dy) February 21, 2022
Could this just be a coincidence? Yeah.
But editing stock content is a industry standard.
除了國外在玩大家來找碴,台灣網友也發現《快打旋風6》的標誌神似順發 3C 量販的 Logo,就連順發官方也回應跟改版之前的樣子有 87% 像,更開玩笑表示以後想買遊戲的玩家記得指名順發。