
推特擬再推收費機制 TweetDeck恐無法免費使用

Twitter Limits
FILE - A Twitter app icon on a mobile phone is displayed April 26, 2017, in Philadelphia. TikTok and Instagram users can scroll with abandon. But Twitter owner Elon Musk has put new curfews on his digital town square, the latest drastic change to the social media platform that could further drive away advertisers and undermine its cultural influence as a trend-setter. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File) 美聯社
Twitter Limits FILE - A Twitter app icon on a mobile phone is displayed April 26, 2017, in Philadelphia. TikTok and Instagram users can scroll with abandon. But Twitter owner Elon Musk has put new curfews on his digital town square, the latest drastic change to the social media platform that could further drive away advertisers and undermine its cultural influence as a trend-setter. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File) 美聯社

社群媒體公司推特 Twitter )今天早上在推文中說,推特用戶很快將須通過驗證,才能使用旗下應用程式TweetDeck



TweetDeck過去是一款免費工具,廣受企業和新聞組織歡迎,可輕鬆監控內容。億萬富豪馬斯克 (ElonMusk)入主推特後,推特就一直很難靠廣告營利,而向TweetDeck用戶收費或將有助提升收益。


這項新規引發推特用戶強烈反彈,行銷產業專業人士也說,馬斯克這番動作恐使推特新執行長雅克里諾(Linda Yaccarino)難以吸引廣告主,不利其搶救廣告業務。

推特目前向使用者酌收每月8美元(約新台幣250元)的帳號 認證費用,而企業、非營利組織和政府機構在內等組織每月得支付1000美元(約新台幣3.1萬元)。


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