蘋果投入研發自家的5G 晶片,期望擺脫高通 供應支援,但蘋果分析師郭明錤近日卻爆料,蘋果正在研發的5G晶片可能失敗了,將無法如期跟上搭載於iPhone 15。
郭明錤透過Twitter發文指出,根據消息透露蘋果自家的5G晶片「可能已經研發失敗」,無法趕上iPhone 15推出的時程,預計仍會沿用高通產品。
— 郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) 2022年6月28日
2. I believe Apple will continue to develop its own 5G chips, but by the time Apple succeeds and can replace Qualcomm, Qualcomm's other new businesses should have grown enough to significantly offset the negative impacts caused by the order loss of iPhone 5G chips.