三星Galaxy Z系列摺疊手機 已推出第三代,每代出場皆掀起熱潮,而知名分析師郭明錤過去也曾預測蘋果最快將在2025年推出第一款可折疊iPhone ,令果粉們期待不已,但郭明錤釋出最新消息,恐怕要推翻自己的預測結果。
郭明錤過去曾預測蘋果最早將於2025年推出首款可折疊產品,當時他直指這款摺疊產品為「可折疊iPhone」,如今他推翻這項預測,指出該項產品應為「可折疊的iPad 」或「iPad和iPhone混合體」。
I think the priority order of sizes of Apple foldable product development is medium, large, & small. Apple is actively testing foldable OLED about 9" (PPI between iPhone & iPad, adoption of TDDI). The test is to verify key technologies and may not be the final product spec. https://t.co/phbdIhFO3C
— 郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) April 1, 2022
I expected Apple to launch a foldable iPhone as soon as 2024 in my reports last year, but now it's clear this prediction needs to be revised. I predict Apple may launch its first foldable product in 2025 at the earliest, which may be a foldable iPad or a hybrid of iPad & iPhone. https://t.co/HGIDPFvdar
— 郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) April 1, 2022