睽違8年更新!Chrome瀏覽器將推新圖示 但可能「難以察覺」
相較Mozila過去幾年內調整Firefox瀏覽器圖示的次數,Google從2008年推出Chrome瀏覽器之後,僅分別在2011年與2014年各調整過一次,而稍早則是由Chrome團隊設計師Elvin Hu公布接下來即將更換的全新圖示設計。
依照Elvin Hu說明,此次拿掉陰影效果主要是希望降低兩款顏色相接之處,可能會讓視覺產生顏色交錯的情況,避免使用者有不舒服的視覺感受。
而在不同作業系統環境中,Google也計畫各別作調整,例如在Chrome OS環境版本會採用無顏色漸層,同時顏色會更明亮,在Windows作業系統版本則會採用更明顯的顏色漸層感,在macOS作業系統環境會採用較強調立體感設計,藉此對應不同風格。
依照Elvin Hu說明,此次圖示更新將會在接下來幾個月內釋出。
Some of you might have noticed a new icon in Chrome’s Canary update today. Yes! we’re refreshing Chrome’s brand icons for the first time in 8 years. The new icons will start to appear across your devices soon. pic.twitter.com/aaaRRzFLI1
— Elvin 🌈 (@elvin_not_11) February 4, 2022
We simplified the main brand icon by removing the shadows, refining the proportions and brightening the colors, to align with Google's more modern brand expression. pic.twitter.com/Hyig51gqJq
— Elvin 🌈 (@elvin_not_11) February 4, 2022
Fun fact: we also found that placing certain shades of green and red next to each other created an unpleasant color vibration, so we introduced a very subtle gradient to the main icon to mitigate that, making the icon more accessible. pic.twitter.com/H26wQKRhp9
— Elvin 🌈 (@elvin_not_11) February 4, 2022
Then, we created OS-specific customizations. We want the icons to feel recognizably Chrome, but also well crafted for each OS. For example, on Windows, the icons take on an obviously gradated look, appearing at home on Windows 10 & 11. pic.twitter.com/q598abI3Rx
— Elvin 🌈 (@elvin_not_11) February 4, 2022